Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Okay so you're right, I straight up suck...

... at updating this blog. How many months have gone by since the last post? I actually forgot about this because I have two millions other things that I do and, in case you're wondering, no - I don't have a life anymore because I work too much.

Anyway, a friend of mine from California wrote me one day and said that she actually reads the things I post on here and that I should write again, and then I forgot again and now I just remembered. So, if there is anyone else that read this a while ago and wanted to know the exciting life of Levi... I apologize, because to be honest I'm probably not going to get to it now, either. But it's not incredibly exciting... it's just incredibly busy.

Doing the VA thing and booking a tour with In the Midst of Lions right now, and it's ridiculously stressful to me because I still have eight days to fill and the tour starts in three weeks and that's no good, but the Lord will provide and I believe it will be a good thing, in the long run.

I've taken the last month and a half off to work on my poetry project, and haven't accomplished one single iota of anything substantial whatsoever. But now I'm playing a "comeback show" on April 1st and I'm supposed to have new material and merch and whatever else and I doubt I'll have any of it. So I'm going to lock myself away and try to write some new stuff before that. Hopefully the Lord will be kind to me and provide inspiration.

I am poor. Very poor. In fact I am so poor that I really afford just about nothing at all right now, but I believe that the Lord will provide for that, too.

At least I'm relying on him, eh? Amen.

So yeah. I've been listening to a lot of new music that I've been discovering these days, which is pretty exciting.

The Great Commission.
Arsonists Get All The Girls.
The Overseer.
Paul Blaunt.
Lil Wayne.
Kanye West.
Nose Whistler.
Stars Go Dim.
In The Midst of Lions.
All Or Nothing.
Wrench in the Works.
Lust Control.
Last Fifteen.
Dead Hours.

And there are a lot of other things that I would like to list that I can't remember which is somewhat frustrating, honestly.

But I love you. And I appreciate you who even know that I write in this thing, albeit however seldom it is.

1 comment:

Amanda said...

I love your blog. I love you. I love your poetry. And I miss you. Pirates and princesses.